The day Mr.H was born

The day you came into our lives,it was the biggest prayer got heard.
I had given up believing on miracles wen suddenly one fine mornibg gove gave me my lil Santa (It was Christmas 2015 morning wen i came to know a lil miracle is about to happen 😁)
Yes 15. August 2016.. my life changed beyond that point.
There were and there are still many ups and downs in my life in my relations in my surroundings and almost everything. But with you everything has been a bit easier 😁 and worth it.
You and your smile has always assured me  i'm never alone in any journey of my life.
Whenever i ve fallen ir smiling face has reassured me to get up and do it all over again just gor your smile.
Mommy loves you alot more than she thought the love her heart could ever hold


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